Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Trip to Butterfly Creek ~ By Davarni

Davarni wrote to recount our trip to Butterfly Creek. 
Enjoy her writing below or read it on her individual blog.

On Monday the 16th March Glenbrae School went by bus to Butterfly Creek to learn about dinosaur features butterflies and crocodiles.

First, we went to the hall and the teachers counted us. Then we got on the bus and waited to get to Butterfly Creek. Eventually we got there and lined up to go inside. Next we had morning tea then went to the dinosaur kingdom. I saw a lot of dinosaurs and different kind of species.After that we went to the train and it took us all around the dinosaur kingdom.I felt shocked when I heard the dinosaurs.

Next room 7 went to the farm, I really liked the farm.On the farm I went to go look at the pigs and llamas but the pigs were sleeping. Meanwhile I looked at the bunnies I got to hold one and I got to brush a goat.I was happy  when I was brushing the goat. Soon we went to the aquarium but we didn't stay for long because we went to the butterfly room.It was really hot but the butterflies were pretty because their patterns were colourful and awesome.

Then we had lunch after that we went to the crocodile show. Their names were Goldy and Scar but we only watched Scar. He was fast in trying to get his food.Then we went to watch the tarantula. I got front seat. First Paul told us about his fangs and when he will defend.

At last we went back to school and went back to class. I felt playful.

By Davarni.

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