Thursday, March 12, 2015

An outdoors kind of day...

Today we took our classroom outdoors. We had our final swimming lesson for the summer this morning, then Kiwi Can outside with teamwork activities, and finally we had our school assembly outside under the shade of the trees. 

In Kiwi Can our theme is Positive Co-operation. It's really important that we learn to work together positively, find solutions and compromise to achieve our goals. 

Today we did some team-building activities which required us to talk and work together to complete the task. This meant everyone had to participate, listen and communicate respectfully. 

Creating the letter A with our bodies

A Car ...
... with two headlights, two drivers and windscreen wipers

A Star - This one was so great that some of the people from other groups decided to join in too!
Next we played a game called code breaker, where we had to crack the code by jumping through hoops until you had the right combination. If you got one wrong your next team member had to remember how much you had cracked so far. It was a fun and fast paced game which required teamwork and a lot of focus. 

Playing Code Breaker

It was lovely having our assembly under the trees today, though we did have to combat with the noise of the cicada's chirping. 

Rooms 1 & 4 did a lovely job of presenting and sang a song about caterpillars turning into butterflies. 

Room 1 and 4 presenting assembly

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