Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blog Challenge 10, 9...

Today's challenge is to write about 9 loves. 

  1. I love cooking, and then eating it, but mainly the cooking and sharing kai with friends and whānau
  2. I love dogs. Growing up I had a staffy called Jagger, he was the best dog ever. He lived to be 17 years old and I loved him very much. 
  3. I love riding my bike around the neighbourhood. It has a wicker basket on the front where I put my groceries. I bike to the veggie shop and to the bakery and load up my basket with food for the week ahead. 
  4. I love my big brother. When I got a flat tyre on my bike, he kindly fixed it for me and made it like new again. 
  5. I love Room 7 tamariki. You guys are talented, funny, courageous, and full of energy. 
  6. I Iove watching lightbox. Sometimes on a rainy day I can watch 4 episodes back to back. 
  7. I love christmas time, it's one of the only times all year that all my whānau are together. We live all across the country so it's important to spend time together when we can. 
  8. I love braiding my hair. I'm not very good at it, but I do love it. 
  9. I love living in Auckland city. I grew up in a small beach town, so I love all the opportunity that Auckland offers. There is always things to see and do and a lot of different cultures. 

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