Thursday, August 13, 2015

Looking after our teeth

We had a presentation today from a dental hygienist called Cynthia. She talked to use about two really important things we need to do for caring for our teeth. 

Firstly, sugar. We learned that sugar harms our teeth, and to avoid decay, and rotting painful teeth we need to eat healthy food and not eat or drink foods that are full of sugar. We learned that a bottle of coca-cola has 16 tsp of sugar, when we are only supposed to have 4tsp of sugar a day. Wow. Read our personal blogs to learn more about what we should and should not eat to protect ourselves from tooth decay. 

The second thing we need to do to look after our teeth is brush and floss them every day. We wrote some great tips on our blogs about brushing our teeth and making our own dental floss. 

Cynthia is running a short information evening next Wednesday evening to talk about the ways we can look after our teeth and save money on our dental care. Please come along and hear what Cynthia has to say. There's also going to be a hamper filled with healthy treats from Pak'n'Save for one lucky family, and details to win an electric toothbrush. 

Wednesday 19th August 
Sausage Sizzle 

Some of the money saving tips Cynthia had were in the picture below:

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