Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kei te pēhea koe?

How are you? Is a question that we ask every day, and in Room 7 we have been learning to ask and reply in te reo Māori. 

Each morning instead of our usual roll call we practice greeting and asking how we are in te reo Māori saying 

Ata marie Mary, kei te pēhea koe? 
Good morning Mary, how are you? 

We have been practicing replying with a range of words, sometimes we are sleepy, hungry, hungry, sick, sad, frustrated (hōhā), exhausted (ngenge), happy, and luckily not yet angry!  

Some of us have learned the words so well that we have even incorporated them into our writing work in class. What a great transfer of knowledge. 

1 comment:

  1. Ka mau te wehi te Ruma Whitu! Kei te ora ahau. Tena koutou mo nga akoranga kua koha mai.
