Monday, February 16, 2015

Being smart about the sun with alliteration

Today we learned about alliteration and being sun smart. 
We brain stormed all the words we could think of that were about summer and being sun smart. Then learned about alliteration, where words in a sentence start with the same letter. 

We had to make a catchy headline about being sun smart that used alliteration. 
We had to use at least three words that started with the same letter. 

Check out some of our sun smart alliteration. 

Slip, Slop, Slap, on the sand

Hats help in hot weather

Slip, slop, slap, sunscreen, sandals, she is sun smart.

Minimum madness can lead to melanoma madness.

Shorts and shirts, hides skin from the shining sun.

If it's sunny stay sun smart.

Hot, healthy, hydrated holiday.
We will keep learning about being sun smart throughout term one. 
In the meantime, you can find more information on

1 comment:

  1. These are all wonder alitteration, I'm so grateful we learnt how to write them.
