What a wonderful week and year it has been Room 7.
On Tuesday we had our end of year prize giving.
Congratulations to our prize winners
Top Academic Girl
Top Academic Boy
Excellence in Music
Excellence in Art
Excellence in Physical Education
Excellence in Social Skills
Excellence in Digital Learning
Most Improved Academic
Also congratulations to Shannon, Fasi, Davarni, Loto, Luisa, and Salote who received awards for excellent attendance. Well done. Being at school all the time means that you are making the most of every opportunity to learn.
Every year we have a winner from the Jnr and Senior syndicate to receive the Ofa Kina Award. This award goes to the kindest most respectful and thoughtful person and is voted by their peers. Teachers have no say in it. This year the Senior Syndicate Ofa Kina Award went to our very own Luisa. Congratulations Luisa.
Afterwards we had our dance presentations in front of our parents. We looked and felt wonderful dancing the waltz, the samba and hip hop. We also looked pretty wonderful doing our silly faces below! Haha. It's been a fabulous year Room 7 - All the best next year.